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Hey, startups, trying to raise money, but don’t have great VC connections?
Here’s a carousel of investor forms you can fill out to get access without a warm intro or funding challenge!

1. https://airtable.com/shrhaAMLB7IP8tv0f
Participating Venture Capitalist: RareBreed VC
Description: Rearbreed VC is always on the lookout for “RareBreed” Entrepreneurs

2. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd46TLw7WeppbNcrMi7t5rZAAGQo4nGv_fcblKWfUEO-QSqlg/viewform

Participating Venture Capitalist: Backstage Capital, Harlem Capital, Hustle Fund, WXR Fund
Description: your form will be reviewed; qualified startups will be contacted immediately. To increase the chances of getting matched and introduced to investors, watch a video guide before filling and submitting this form: https://youtu.be/yDaFNIyp7Ok

3. https://hustlefund.typeform.com/to/UGTnIt

Participating Venture Capitalist: Startup matching tool
Description: If you’re a hustler running a tech company, this link is for you. This form will take you about 5 minutes to complete.

Filing up this form puts you up for consideration for both equity and revenue-based financing offers. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

4. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvk_W1BRmrHzOcK5TK4-W-4fawrtXgQ4rP9ejAE6zRvAnxAw/viewform

Participating Venture Capitalist: Hillman (www.hill7.org),
NewME (www.newme.in)

Lightship Capital (www.lightship.capital).
Description: This funding is focused on early-stage companies into CPG, E-Commerce, Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, and Healthcare.
Please note that you cannot save this application and come back to it later, so you’ll need to finish it in one session.

5. https://sacks.substack.com/

Participating Venture Capitalist: Buttom up by David Sacks
Description: subscribe for their playbook is the first stage of applying; you’ll also be privy to other funding information.

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